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Mercy Hospital

This place has a rich history. It had been run by nuns and priests originally, with locals working as nursing assistants. It had been a location for many poor and disenfranchised people to receive medical care. Today it is a mix of all, but still a location for the urban centers less advantaged to receive care. There are areas of this hospital that you can feel "it". I describe "it" as a feeling that time stands still, sounds become more muted and you are called to a higher consciousness within your being to stand, feel and listen. Now some may find this feeling daunting or unsettling. I find it just the opposiste. The stillness and oneness that I find in these moments is calming for me. It's a moment when the spiritual realm is right there to touch and feel. It's a reminder to stop and listen to something within me, my spirit as it travels this mortal existence. 

Many patients "within their right minds", have reported seeing a little girl, often accompanied by who they believe to be her Mom. Most recently, I was assisting a patient into the bathroom of her room. The toilet had not been flushed from prior use. The patient, who was very much in her right mind, said to me, "oh someone used my toilet. It must have been that little girl. Of course I said, "there was a little girl here?" Patient said, "yes, last night a little girl came in here with her Mom and they walked back there. I guess they used my bathroom." The little girl has been described as wearing a dress and a bonnet in her hair. She has been seen with and without her Mom. 

Although the nuns have been gone for some time, some of the maintenance workers and night nursing staff have seen a full body apparition of a Nun in the hallway and turning the corners of the hospital floors at night. Doing her rounds I suppose. 

Each hospital I have worked in has had a healing room(s). When I have worked in places where there were more like minded, spiritually in tuned nursing staff, these rooms were always reserved for the most fragile cases. Those rooms provided healing or spiritual healing in some cases. It's interesting to be able to enter a room and feel the spiritual presence within in. Light vs darkness. Darkness or a low spirit has a lower vibration, a thump, thud that is unsettling to your heart if you are not spiritually guarded/armed against its presence. The energy drain can be immediate if you are caught unprepared. Whereas, the opposite, walking into the light, elevated spirit filled rooms, you leave energized. 

Piedmont Medical Center

Hospitals are always a hot spot for activity.  A ghost hunter could get hits all day long there. I believe it is due to the suffering, trauma, fear and death of course. So many patients have told me across my twenty five plus years working in various hospitals about seeing people who are not there in their rooms. Often those persons are children. Some have seen dark shadows and quick moving creatures on the floor and ceilings of their rooms. 

At Piedmont, I have only seen one thing so far. There is a room that I often use to sit in and document. I usually leave the door open while I'm in there. About seven or eight times so far in the last four months, I have seen out of my peripheral vision of my right eye, a small black shape, looking around the door frame and quickly moving backwards if I try and turn and look at it. From what I've heard from specialists in the field of paranormal things, a dark image without human form, is usually not a good thing. 

Another interesting find was turn by turn directions given to me using my inner compass to walk towards the morgue. I'd never been to the morgue of the hospital before. Yet, allowing myself to be "led" there is one thing. I did it out of pride mostly, wanting to see if I "still had it". I'd describe it like a force, a push of sorts. As if you know where you're going based on directions you've been given, with each turn lit ahead of you as you reach a corner or intersection. As soon as I arrived to where it was, it wasn't labeled. Yet I could sense it. Death has an odor. 

Northeast Medical Center

Old hospitals have not only history but trapped spirits. Spirts don't have a sense of time, just now. Children that have died, don't know they are dead. Unless the spirt has been helped to leave, it will be stuck. It's absolutely important for religious rites to be read for spirits to find their way towards the light. When I worked at Northeast Medical Center, there was a wing of the hospital that was the old pediatric area. It looked as if it were trapped in the 1960's. 

I got into a habit of leaving my voice recorder running on this wing, in an attempt to interact with the children left behind. My recorder taped up to 6 continuous hours. Several times, I would review the tape and hear children laughing, a child's voice saying, "Mommy" as well as children crying. When I got a chance, I'd try and do question sessions. I never received an intelligent response.

My regret is that I didn't try and get these children help to go to the light. 

Inova Fairfax Hospital 

At Inova, the campus was vast, long corridors and lots of walking to get anywhere. There were numerous times that I'd hear and "feel" someone walking behind me, only to turn and find no one there. 


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