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Past Life

I have lived a past life. As a child, I had memories about persons, playmates that in fact were not part of this life. Unless that were a false memory and I was simply daydreaming, but it didn't feel that way. I had a vivid memory of how they looked, how the sounded and the games we played. They wore clothing from the late 1800's/early 1900's as well. 

I used to have dreams about being a boy when I was very young, 8, 9 and 10 years old. I remember dreams that were so vivid where I woke up and ran outside to see if my friends were still there. I felt strange waking up in a different body, trying to reason why I had these two different experiences. 

When I was about 25 or 26, I saw a psychic. The reason I did, was because I had a dream that was reoccurring of my wedding day. The wedding day was confusing though because I was a man in my dream, walking along a waterfront, prior to electricity. The "party barge" was attached to a pier or sorts, along a wharf. On posts, were lanterns hanging that lit the edge of the waterfront. One of those lanterns had gone out. My new wife and I had chosen that as a meeting spot, underneath that burnt out lantern to meet up and get away from out large reception party for a few minutes alone. 

I can still see her coming towards me. Beautiful white dress, with flowing layers, embroidered flowers across the upper portion of the dress, puffed sleeves, the dress all the way down to her ankles. She was barefoot, as was I. She had wavy brown hair, blue eyes and olive colored skin. I was wearing pants with suspenders, a white shirt with large buttons. My hair was thick, blonde, and curly. I had a thick mustache. I was over six feet tall, very stout build. I could feel the strength in my body, yet the complete gentleness in my heart. I was strong, but kind. I felt weak in her presence. She was my world. 

I know what I looked like because I had a friend in this life, who I spent a lot of time with in 1998. She was remodeling her home and gave me cash to help her. We were not romantically involved but yet I felt a great connection to her. One night, as were watching t.v., she said that she had been having a reoccurring dream that was troubling to her because it felt so real. She kept a dream journal and she asked if I'd like to have her read it to me. I said yes out of curiosity. She began reading and to my astonishment, she was taking me MY DREAM but from the perspective of my wife in my dream. She had the party barge, burnt out lantern, being barefoot. I would have never believed it had it not been written down. As she read the dream aloud, I stopped her and said let me finish the dream for you. Tears ran down both of our faces as we connected that were each others spouse in a past life. It all made sense, how we came together so randomly, why we felt an immediate connection. As suddenly as we came together we also parted. It was finished you see. No need to continue our friendship, plus it was a little weird. I wasn't quite ready to accept it all. 

The psychic that I saw told me that I had lived many lives, although I was only aware of one other than this one. She said that in my past life I was a wealthy man, with a lot of land. She also said that I was without children in that life and in fact, had never had children in any life. She told me that my life as I knew it would end before I turned thirty. Well I took this literally to mean that I was going to die before I turned 30. What actually happened is that I moved to Washington D.C. at age 29, then turned 30 living in Falls Church Va. The person I was at 29 vs the person I became starting at age 30 were vastly different after that move. My girlfriend at the time took me to Old Town Alexandria for a weekend of exploration. 

As soon as I took to the streets of Old Town Alexandria, I felt the change. I felt the union of another life. The flood of emotion that filled my heart and mind as I walked the streets of Old Town was incredible. I knew the area. I knew that I'd been there before, lived there before. I was able to close my eyes and point where to go, how to navigate the streets of the town. Along the waterfront, was the wharf. The place I'd walked before to meet my wife in my past life on our wedding night. 

In this life, it is also where I had my wedding reception to my current wife. Ironically, my sister recommended the place for our reception. Amazing coincidence or meant to be? I think I know the answer to that! The sadness I feel when I visit and leave Old Town Alexandria in this life is gut wrenching. I feel such a sense of loss, leaving my home. When I moved away from that area in 2006 to Charlotte N.C. it was out of haste to end a bad relationship. It was also so I could end that connection to the past life and live this one to its fullest. Gods plan was for me to go to Charlotte. I met my now wife there and it is where I call home. 


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