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The Wrenn House~ Salisbury N.C.

During the fall of 2009, I was invited to go to the Wrenn House in Salisbury N.C. by a friend for a late dinner. The Wrenn House has a recorded paranormal history. (
The Wrenn House Grill & Pub, located in[0xa0]one of downtown’s oldest structures, has been investigated several times. The 1829, Flemish Bond brick building was constructed as a Female Academy by the First Presbyterian Church, and was used as a school for almost 100 years. Often school personnel lived in a portion of the building. In the early 1920s, Jimmy Wren and his sister, Mary (Molly) Wren, were invited by the church to use the building as their home.[0xa0]The Wrens were in their 70s and they lived in the building until their deaths in 1933 and 1943. For many years, the Wrens[0xa0]had been indispensable to Salisbury society. In the early 1900s, it was often said, “It takes four people to get married in Salisbury ... The bride, the groom, the minister … and Mr. Jimmie.” Jimmie Wren decorated the house, the church and the cake. Molly designed and made the dress.
In 1984, Nancy Alexander renovated the building as the Academy Restaurant. During the renovations, she experienced many unexplainable events. The restaurant has had several owners. When curious customers ask questions, restaurant employees often shared tales about the unexplainable activities that happen in the building. The sounds of children giggling and running[0xa0]are heard on the second floor. Chairs sometimes seem to move without the aid of human hands, and doors that appear swollen tightly shut suddenly swing open and then slowly close.
During initial restaurant renovations, piano music was heard inside the building, but the piano that once graced the second floor was no longer there. Several North Carolina paranormal societies have investigated the building. All groups reported evidence to support claims of paranormal activity. All groups recorded EVPs and found unexplainable elevated EMF areas in the building. During one investigation, an investigator who was in the kitchen was tapped on the shoulder several times. She turned around, thinking a team member was trying to get her attention. When she turned, several mixing bowls flew off a kitchen shelf. Was Mr. Jimmie ready to make a cake? During another investigation, two investigators saw an apparition of a young girl. They[0xa0]described the child to a restaurant employee; he said he had seen the same apparition. Over the years, employees have become accustomed to sightings.
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The Wrenn House Grill & Pub, located in[0xa0]one of downtown’s oldest structures, has been investigated several times. The 1829, Flemish Bond brick building was constructed as a Female Academy by the First Presbyterian Church, and was used as a school for almost 100 years. Often school personnel lived in a portion of the building. In the early 1920s, Jimmy Wren and his sister, Mary (Molly) Wren, were invited by the church to use the building as their home.[0xa0]The Wrens were in their 70s and they lived in the building until their deaths in 1933 and 1943. For many years, the Wrens[0xa0]had been indispensable to Salisbury society. In the early 1900s, it was often said, “It takes four people to get married in Salisbury ... The bride, the groom, the minister … and Mr. Jimmie.” Jimmie Wren decorated the house, the church and the cake. Molly designed and made the dress.
In 1984, Nancy Alexander renovated the building as the Academy Restaurant. During the renovations, she experienced many unexplainable events. The restaurant has had several owners. When curious customers ask questions, restaurant employees often shared tales about the unexplainable activities that happen in the building. The sounds of children giggling and running[0xa0]are heard on the second floor. Chairs sometimes seem to move without the aid of human hands, and doors that appear swollen tightly shut suddenly swing open and then slowly close.
During initial restaurant renovations, piano music was heard inside the building, but the piano that once graced the second floor was no longer there. Several North Carolina paranormal societies have investigated the building. All groups reported evidence to support claims of paranormal activity. All groups recorded EVPs and found unexplainable elevated EMF areas in the building. During one investigation, an investigator who was in the kitchen was tapped on the shoulder several times. She turned around, thinking a team member was trying to get her attention. When she turned, several mixing bowls flew off a kitchen shelf. Was Mr. Jimmie ready to make a cake? During another investigation, two investigators saw an apparition of a young girl. They[0xa0]described the child to a restaurant employee; he said he had seen the same apparition. Over the years, employees have become accustomed to sightings.
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The Wrenn House Grill & Pub, located in[0xa0]one of downtown’s oldest structures, has been investigated several times. The 1829, Flemish Bond brick building was constructed as a Female Academy by the First Presbyterian Church, and was used as a school for almost 100 years. Often school personnel lived in a portion of the building. In the early 1920s, Jimmy Wren and his sister, Mary (Molly) Wren, were invited by the church to use the building as their home.[0xa0]The Wrens were in their 70s and they lived in the building until their deaths in 1933 and 1943. For many years, the Wrens[0xa0]had been indispensable to Salisbury society. In the early 1900s, it was often said, “It takes four people to get married in Salisbury ... The bride, the groom, the minister … and Mr. Jimmie.” Jimmie Wren decorated the house, the church and the cake. Molly designed and made the dress.
In 1984, Nancy Alexander renovated the building as the Academy Restaurant. During the renovations, she experienced many unexplainable events. The restaurant has had several owners. When curious customers ask questions, restaurant employees often shared tales about the unexplainable activities that happen in the building. The sounds of children giggling and running[0xa0]are heard on the second floor. Chairs sometimes seem to move without the aid of human hands, and doors that appear swollen tightly shut suddenly swing open and then slowly close.
During initial restaurant renovations, piano music was heard inside the building, but the piano that once graced the second floor was no longer there. Several North Carolina paranormal societies have investigated the building. All groups reported evidence to support claims of paranormal activity. All groups recorded EVPs and found unexplainable elevated EMF areas in the building. During one investigation, an investigator who was in the kitchen was tapped on the shoulder several times. She turned around, thinking a team member was trying to get her attention. When she turned, several mixing bowls flew off a kitchen shelf. Was Mr. Jimmie ready to make a cake? During another investigation, two investigators saw an apparition of a young girl. They[0xa0]described the child to a restaurant employee; he said he had seen the same apparition. Over the years, employees have become accustomed to sightings.
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The Wrenn House Grill & Pub, located in[0xa0]one of downtown’s oldest structures, has been investigated several times. The 1829, Flemish Bond brick building was constructed as a Female Academy by the First Presbyterian Church, and was used as a school for almost 100 years. Often school personnel lived in a portion of the building. In the early 1920s, Jimmy Wren and his sister, Mary (Molly) Wren, were invited by the church to use the building as their home.[0xa0]The Wrens were in their 70s and they lived in the building until their deaths in 1933 and 1943. For many years, the Wrens[0xa0]had been indispensable to Salisbury society. In the early 1900s, it was often said, “It takes four people to get married in Salisbury ... The bride, the groom, the minister … and Mr. Jimmie.” Jimmie Wren decorated the house, the church and the cake. Molly designed and made the dress.
In 1984, Nancy Alexander renovated the building as the Academy Restaurant. During the renovations, she experienced many unexplainable events. The restaurant has had several owners. When curious customers ask questions, restaurant employees often shared tales about the unexplainable activities that happen in the building. The sounds of children giggling and running[0xa0]are heard on the second floor. Chairs sometimes seem to move without the aid of human hands, and doors that appear swollen tightly shut suddenly swing open and then slowly close.
During initial restaurant renovations, piano music was heard inside the building, but the piano that once graced the second floor was no longer there. Several North Carolina paranormal societies have investigated the building. All groups reported evidence to support claims of paranormal activity. All groups recorded EVPs and found unexplainable elevated EMF areas in the building. During one investigation, an investigator who was in the kitchen was tapped on the shoulder several times. She turned around, thinking a team member was trying to get her attention. When she turned, several mixing bowls flew off a kitchen shelf. Was Mr. Jimmie ready to make a cake? During another investigation, two investigators saw an apparition of a young girl. They[0xa0]described the child to a restaurant employee; he said he had seen the same apparition. Over the years, employees have become accustomed to sightings.
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 I had no prior knowledge of the location having a reputation for being haunted. She did and wondered if I'd pick up on anything while we were there.

We were seated near the bar. It was a rainy evening, we were two of only five customers at that time. Dinner itself was uneventful. Our server was a male in his early thirties. I was very intrigued by the architecture within the restaurant. I felt a strong compulsion to go to the upper level of the two-story house. Usually when I feel that "compulsion" it's followed by a sense that something or someone is there to be discovered.

When our server returned to the table with the check, I asked him if there had ever been any paranormal claims. He turned white and said, "why do you ask? Who sent you here?" "No one", I said. He said that several things have happened there and he for one, will not go upstairs after dark. He went on to tell me that I was welcome to go upstairs if I wanted, but he was going to wait out on the front porch until I was done. He was visibly nervous, exiting the front entrance and lighting up a cigarette.

My friend and I began walking up the staircase, she was behind me a few steps. The top of the stairs led to a banquet room. There was still a long table set up, with partially empty food containers on it. I walked the room's perimeter. The room was dark, but had enough light coming through the windows from the street lights to illuminate the room. The large room had a hallway connected to it. As I entered the hallway, I saw that there was a small room on the right, that had the flickering of a t.v. coming from it. Looking into the room, it was empty except for a crib and a chair. Although the t.v. was on, there was no one there. Further down the hallway was another room. Empty of furniture, but had a window on two opposing walls, a small closet and a door marked EXIT at the top. I again walked the perimeter. When I got to the closet door, I opened it. It had shelving, with stored items on the shelves. I then crossed the room to the EXIT door. As I approached the door, the energy around me changed. My footsteps became heavy, I suddenly felt as if there was going to be someone behind the door.

It was the first feeling I had of expecting to see something since having entered the upstairs. I turned to see my friend, she was standing at the room opening. She didn't want to come any further. She later told me that she felt fear at that time and was paralyzed by it. I opened the door and what I saw next I'll never forget. A small black, smoky mass at the level of my knees was there, to my left. As soon as I saw it, I was scared and simultaneously laughed at it in my mind. I laughed at it because my Mom had warned me that if I ever saw a black mass, it was likely demonic. She had said that if I said to it that it had no power over me that it would protect me. My response though, laughing was likely not the best strategy.

As I saw it, it quickly recessed back into the corner behind it. I then closed the door at the same time. As I turned around to walk away, I felt nervous, scared and excited. Then, just steps away from the door I felt a touch to my back. Starting at the top of my back and going down to my pelvis, a firm touch, that felt like electricity. I didn't turn to see if there was something there. I just kept walking, slowly, steadily towards the stairs. My friend had descended the stairs already. She was waiting at he the bottom. She could tell by the look on my face, that something had happened.

As we went onto the front porch of the restaurant, the server was pacing from one side of the porch to the other. He turned and said to me, "I don't want to know what you saw." We left the restaurant and I told my friend what happened. I told her my back was burning. She raised my shirt and said there was a scratch. I saw it for myself when I got home. Three scratches, running parallel down my back about six inches.

In the three days that followed, the experience stayed with me. I felt a sense of grieving. I felt, that someone close to me had died. I felt I was in mourning. My mother said that it was the spirit that I encountered. The spirit was demonic from her assessment. She suspects that it didn't take kindly to having been laughed at and it wanted me to feel what it felt. A demonic spirit is supposed to be a grieving spirit. It feels sorrow, grief and mourning every moment of its existence.

I decided at that moment, that I wasn't going to "seek to find" any other spirits in the future. I gave up ghost hunting to protect my spirit from evil. That encounter made me respect what I cannot see. There is a lot that I don't understand, but one thing is for sure. My spirit honors the spirit in them. Living or dead, good or evil, I am keeping my distance. 


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