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Showing posts from September, 2018

Concord Rental House

Around 2008-2009 I rented a house in Concord N.C. It was part of the Brown Mill Community. If you're not familiar with what that means, N.C. had thread and fabric mills. The local mill, in this case Brown Mill, would setup villages for their workers to live in, at a reduced rate of course. These historic neighborhoods are very quaint, a piece of history. Depending upon the surrounding area, these homes could be very expensive to occupy  if in the right neighborhood. This wasn't the case for me. I paid $500 a month, quite inexpensive at the time. I got a discount because the owners son was married to a  secretary at our rehab. The original owner though was the current owners Dad. He was one of those mill workers in the day. When I went to tour the home to see if it was worth the money, I immediately fell in love. So cute. Two fireplaces, only five rooms, a built on bathroom, fenced in yard, plenty of parking, large trees shading the whole home and a front porch. I couldn't


Mercy Hospital This place has a rich history. It had been run by nuns and priests originally, with locals working as nursing assistants. It had been a location for many poor and disenfranchised people to receive medical care. Today it is a mix of all, but still a location for the urban centers less advantaged to receive care. There are areas of this hospital that you can feel "it". I describe "it" as a feeling that time stands still, sounds become more muted and you are called to a higher consciousness within your being to stand, feel and listen. Now some may find this feeling daunting or unsettling. I find it just the opposiste. The stillness and oneness that I find in these moments is calming for me. It's a moment when the spiritual realm is right there to touch and feel. It's a reminder to stop and listen to something within me, my spirit as it travels this mortal existence.  Many patients "within their right minds", have reported seeing a littl