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Showing posts from March, 2014

Imaginary Friend

One interesting thing to know about my childhood, is that I grew up next to a small graveyard. I spent  a lot of play time there alone. There were fewer than twenty graves there at the time in the 70's and 80's. Today, there are still less than twenty five. The graveyard sat higher than our home, a top a steep embankment. A row of pine trees separated our property from the first row of graves. Those same pine trees, were planted by my father after each Christmas. Proudly, they stand there today. I played in the graveyard all throughout my childhood. I skipped along the graves, climbed on top of the large ones and sat kicking my feet against the cold marble. I played hide and go seek with my imaginary friends. I rode my bicycle through the graveyard on many occasions. Not once, did I fear the place. It was for me, an escape. My very own private playground.  My friend Adam was a young boy, about age 4 or 5. He had brown hair and wore a hat. He never came inside my house. H


Sometime around either 1994 or 1995 there was a dear friend named Don, who my partner and I looked after closely as he lived with AIDS and AIDS complications. During that time, the health care facilities were still treating AIDS patients quite horribly. When we visited him in his room in the final days, we had to wear gowns, masks, gloves. He was in a negative pressure room. These are usually reserved or patients with tuberculosis. Don told us the night before he died that he was going home at 11p.m.. He also spoke about a man sitting at the end of his bed. He told us the man was an angel and was going to take him home. He described him as having very beautiful skin, very muscular and very handsome. Don never shied away from pointing out when he found a man handsome.  Don himself was very handsome. Until the end of his life he maintained a bronze tan. Often laying out in the sun nude, which never got easier to deal with when we paid him unplanned or planned visits. He had l


GHOST STORIES THE VIRGINIA HOME I get asked a lot to tell about my paranormal experiences. I used to be very drawn to investigating, trying to make connections, getting evidence of the undead. I'm not sure why most people get into this hobby. For me it began as thrill seeking. I felt drawn to old, scary houses. I would walk around them and in them when I had the chance. It was as if I was wanting something to happen. Part of me was "daring" something to happen. I felt in control. In 1998, I had graduated from an Associate degree program. I wasn't able to find immediate employment and was living with my Mother and Stepfather. A coworker of my sister's, was renovating an old home with her partner. My sister stated that I may be able to help, since I wasn't working. The women bought the home, they each had a child living in the home. The home is in Radford Va., the town in which I was born. It was built in early 1900's by my guess. A two story, we